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Trade Assurance

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Trade Assurance

Trade Assurance protects your online trade payments for orders when you trade through Purchase conveniently, securely and with confidence on as we do our best to provide you with the best of services.

This Trade Assurance online order/purchase is where buyer and seller define product quality and/or quantity and specify ship date.

So many secure payment methods are supported to make available for safe trade. Some of these payment methods include mobile money, Visa card and Mastercard, and others to enable flexibility in your choice of payment medium.

We run a technological system that makes sure your payment gets to the supplier safely as agreed. Simxas supports you throughout to when the product is delivered. When the product is delivered, inspect the product right immediately to ensure satisfaction.

In situations where you make payment for an order and the product and/or service is not shipped/delivered to you as per the time specified and/or arranged by the supplier, there is a grace period of up to five (5) days after the specified shipping/delivery time of the product and/or service by the supplier. If your product and/or service is still not shipped/delivered to you within the grace period, you may request for a refund within fifteen (15) days after the deadline for that particular product and/or service grace period if your fund(s) is/are not refunded automatically.

A five (5) day grace period is implemented to also protect suppliers due to the inability of absolute control of shipping and/or delivery agencies by suppliers and/or Simxas.

The grace period does not only protect suppliers but also give some room for shipping/delivery agencies when certain uncontrollable forces such as weather and/or climate conditions, accidental delays and amongst others sets in to delay delivery.

In as much as Simxas is trying hard to make the world of trading a better platform, we also seek to understand the situation of each client and/or party involved in the trading.


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